2024 Convention!!!

2024 Convention!!!

GRATITUE for all of the incredible energy! Excited by new product releases, amazing information- so much to learn. Thankful for connection with our YL friends - HEARTS ARE FULL along with minds brimming with new ideas on how to infuse new holistic marvels into our daily worlds. 
We find it inspiring for the company to continue focus on morals & standards of success proven to work for many of us. 
How refreshing indeed to be a part of a community focused on authentic quality from seed to seal to service!  

Brief thoughts for now- hope everyone gets home safely from convention & thank you to those that tuned in digitally! 

SPRINGING into Spring

SPRINGING into Spring
The world is blooming again with booming opportunities to re-invigorate passion projects!
In the hustle bustle of the world are you creating time to create?
Pause & reflect on that for a moment - when is the last time you made something just for YOU- not even to post or share just something made for your enjoyment to be in a state of joy.

In each moment let us center in- consciousness is everything & breath by breath, drop by drop we can be present in each new now. 

Create. Rejuvenate. Reinvigorate. Celebrate. Enjoy Spring into Summer!

Time Flow? Balance?!

Time Flow? Balance?!
Focusing on where to direct efforts to communicate with our people- do we keep blogging? Making reels? 
Also how much do we play with all the new AI tools out there?! The answer of course is different for us all. 

Instead of feeling overwhelmed- let's pause... and enjoy what a pleasure it is to have so many new directions to focus on! 
So many options:
- the Ningxia Red 14 Day Reset
- this month's Gift with Purchase
- learning about the roots of Our Farms

Where to start? Simply select what inspires your curiosity most much like many of our essential oil journeys that began learning what we needed to in order of importance in our own lives.

One step at a time- one drop at a time.

Being here now.

May it be MAY!

May it be MAY!

Northern Hemisphere is heating up with sunny days, buzzing friends & the need for that final days of spring cleaning both in home & in body! 
This month Young Living has EVERYTHING we need to support our journey to the fullest! 

What a beautiful way to greet summer - GRATITUDE for the gift of Citronella which we infuse in our hair, skin & summer sprays!!! 


April Showers into Spring Flowers!

April Showers into Spring Flowers!
Happy Springing our way into a new season, fresh energy & all with the support of the products we trust!
Soothe reminds us to nurture our bodies through all the shifts, being sure to listen & not overdo it.  

Productivity comes in waves- let the tides of getting it done eb & flow -with Orange on team mood boost! 

Be sure to check out Young Living's site & learn about these products in detail!  

Wonderful waking of the Northern Hemisphere after a long winter- Excited for you & all your growth!

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