Introducing Young Living Health Plans
Being a part of the Young Living community means embracing something larger than oneself.
Today we explore new options customized for your healthcare to fit the needs of YOUR health.
Empowering holistic choices frees us up to live the way we truly want to... with sustainable longevity.
The goal: A Seamless Blend of Holistic & Conventional Wellness
WHAT does YL Health Plan look like?
Comprehensive Health Coverage merge:
- YL supplements & essential oils every month
- Low member fees for wide array of health & wellness services
- Access to other preventative wellness measures such as acupuncture, chiropractic
- FREE 24/7 telemedicine Get access to care anywhere, anytime with $0 virtual telemedicine
- Wellness Reimbursement: ClearShare will reimburse essential oils and supplements purchased through Young Living up to $50 per month for individuals and $75 per month for members with more than one person on the plan.
HOW much does this cost?
Multiple health plans at various costs to find which plan works with you for you.
Who are the Young Living Holistic + ClearShare from Clearwater plans for?
Individuals and families who are self-employed or uninsured
Anyone who is paying too much for healthcare
Anyone who wants access to both comprehensive and holistic healthcare
Anyone who wants a holistic plan in addition to their existing plans
Practitioners who want to help their patients get access to lower health care costs
DO I qualify for a plan?
Got 5 minutes? Click "Get Started" & begin the questionnaire to match you with your ideal plan options.
How Many plans are there available?
THREE unique plans are currently available - I am excited to see what gets added as this blooms!
Compare Plans
- Holistic + ClearShare
- Holistic Savings + ClearShare
- ClearShare Only
WHERE do I learn more?
* we will be posting many more in depth looks at the plans- excited to enjoy more options for those we care about most